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Media Appearances
Tune in to Dr. Carmen's conversations with some amazing hosts!
Conversations of the Heart Podcast
Host T. Till and Dr. Carmen discuss the importance of dads actively supporting their daughter's adolescence journey and ways that understanding the menstrual cycle can enhance romantic relationships.
Live Well, Sister! Podcast
Host Marcie L. Thomas and Dr. Carmen had a fabulous time talking about how to Rock with Your Inner Rhythm and roll with your natural flow instead of against it.
Cultivating H.E.R. Space Podcast
Oooh weee! Terri, Dr. Dom, and Dr. Carmen kept it 100% real as they discussed Magnifying Black Girl Menstrual Magic!
She Chose Joy Podcast
You'll be empowered by the gems Dr. Carmen shared with host Melanie Foote-Davis as they discussed ways to shift from the negative stigma of menstruation to embrace the sacred moon cycle.
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